The TEC-CH Blog

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TEC-CH Blog: Open Source Education

Monday, 20 July 2009

Open Source Education

Recently we started work on creating an online community for the TEC-CH programme, one that involves professionals and students to interact outside of the classroom, to share information and resources, and to have constructive discussions that help professionals on their work and students on their understanding of the field.

Current tools we plan to use: Twitter, facebook, ning, a wiki that serves as an online bibliography, a new TEC-CH blog, and a channel on YouTube EDU. Are we using too many? too little? What are some other tools that would be useful?

Currently we’re thinking of involving a broad range of professionals, academics, artists, historians and students (last but not least) in the museum and cultural technology field, and we would love to hear your thoughts.

Would this be something that you would like to have a voice? If YOU receive an invitation to participate in the TEC-CH online community, what would be some properties of the community that would motivate you to participate? And what can we do or provide in order to make it interesting for you?

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At 3 August 2009 at 04:43 , Blogger 98-CE-148 said...

Nice Post

At 3 September 2009 at 11:13 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank's that really educative...
Forex Megadroid


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